Tag Archives: Recipes

Plain Yogourt with Iced Berries

Here’s a natural & delicious way to replace your sugar laden, lactose-dense, and-who-knows-what-else-is-in-there, ice cream treats.  This recipe can be considered as a nutritious meal, rather than as a dubious snack!  It will leave you feeling wonderful.  In Nova Scotia, at least, the ingredients are relatively local, too.

Plain yogourt leaves much up to improvisation, where a pre- flavoured variety so much does not.  It is usually free of what are now to be considered dangerous sweeteners and other questionable fillers.  It may be a bit of an acquired taste, but possibly after a few bites, you might realise how happy you are to experience the taste of yogourt without it being masked by added sugar.

Take 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, and 1/8 to 1/4 of a cup of frozen cranberries.  Pour them in a bowl, perhaps neatly arranged.

Cover with either 1 cup, or a reasonable amount, of plain yogourt.  This way, you can eat your dish as if you’re digging for gold; frozen berries that taste like gold, that is.

Optionally, for additional nutrition, top with a tablespoon of hempseed; or to add an amazing sweetness & flavour, drizzle with a warmed teaspoon of your favourite grade of maple syrup.  For non-fuss warming, including microwave overheating avoidance, try a shot glass in a bowl of water from the kettle.  Or do both!  Or use this as a guideline for coming up with your own crafty combination of iced berry yogourt.

And that’s it.  Remarkably simple, but the textures & flavours (and varying temperatures) of this culinary surprise are anything but.  Of course, your mileage will vary according to the quality of your ingredients.

I would post a picture, but I ate it all, already!  Nutritional information to follow soon.