another monday night studying organic chemistry

I think the photo will tell a lot. I’d like to encourage spending the night with the books & papers, having a good time with it.

So, I’m preparing a lab report for my introductory organic chemistry class. Sometimes I just love drinking tea & getting deep into this stuff.

Got some rock n’ roll playing in the background, adding some inspiration; might be a bit of a distraction but why not.

Note to self: recall that it felt important to get this micro-post out there. Also note that there could be a companion post. Perhaps this should be a bit of a habit. To be continued…

Pondering Utility & Efficiency Of Universities and the Nature of the Market Forces of Which it is Subject To.

I must wonder. Are Universities subject to healthy market forces? Are there forces in play which ensure that Universities are opperating with the greatest possible utility to the public?

These are questions likely worth exploring with resourcefullness.

One particular question which burns in my mind is whether or not we should end public funding directly to the universities. I wonder if public funding is contributing to structures which are not providing the utility we might expect from our educational institutions. We might assess whether or not our expectations of our universities meet our needs or desires while we’re at it.

If the dollars were in the hands of the consumers, who according to economic theory will act in their own best self interests, if the revenue stream were solely in the hands of the student, then conceivably natural free market forces would tend toward creation of the most efficient school providing the most utility to those they are serving, the student.

But, Universities are not solely institutions of teaching. They also provide invaluable research which, presumably, lives in the public domain; of course, in practice, this may not have happened quite to the extent we might expect or desire. Likely, given the choice, taxpayers would prefer that they are getting a return on their tax dollars in the form of public knowledge, rather than paying for intellectual property for a private firm.

Universities are also gathering grounds for the academic and scientific and philosophical and creative (amongst other) communities.

Perhaps public dollars are necessary to maintain that utility which universities provide beyond the environment for students to learn; in any case, we need to wonder what we might lose given the loss of social support in the form of public funds. We might assess the utility that results from our public funds.

Is it possible to seperate those functions of the university which result from public & social investment from those which would become more efficient subject to a purer free market? Are these functions necessarily integrated? Are there any aspects of the university which would function in a pure free market or does effective function depend entirely upon the school being more of a publicly provisioned institution?

Out of Order – Stuck In The Mud – LP Review

Out Of Order - Stuck in The Mud - Album Cover

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2021 Edit: Now available for purchase & download from Bandcamp

This is one hard rocking album which you’re gonna want to hear. It’s the shout of the empowered outsider, the battle call of the disruptive.

This is highly rhythmic, high-tempo, hard-driven, melodic oi-punk rock n’ roll which grabs at you & pulls you along from every direction.

Speaking as a Maritimer, there are at times an apparent East Coast flavour fused to the oi-punk core but the range of influence is certainly not limited to such. This album will appeal to energetic music fans of many-a-stripe.

The lyrics can’t be claimed to be comfortable; they are original and thought provoking; at times they are as catchy as can be.

This is a talented group of musicians who know music & know their instruments. There’s a remarkable tightness and rhythmic variability here, from which the tempo and loudness is an addition rather than a complication to their craft.

Plenty of great leads & transitions. Powerful undercurrents & regular but not overindulgent in-your-face moments on the bass. Sharp & aggressive song introductions on the guitar, with careful chord changes & pick-work throughout. Strong and clear lead vocals with backups, on-pitch. Drum work which ebbs & rises with masterful precision.

Depending on your stereo gear your results will vary but I’ve got the treble up to 80 and the bass up to 35 & all band members ring through. I wouldn’t claim that it sounds entirely refined but there is no mistake in hearing each instrument with clarity. This sounds great with headphones or pumping from the speakers.

2 songs in, I’m feeling amped up & ready to put aside any remaining inhibitions to hit the night streets, with massive attitude in tow. By the time Trafalgar hits in at track 5, the damn bursts & I know that there’s no turning back…

I doubt that you can handle listening to this without wanting to sing, dance, fight, fuck, or otherwise have a damn good time!

This is a loud album with a lot of depth and a ton of character. It’s gritty, it’s edgy, it’s fast & it’s fun. It might be fair to say that it’s also a musical affront to mediocrity and tame normalcy.

Out of Order are based out of Montreal, Quebec.

A limited edition 100 copy press run of white vinyl is available.
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Track Listing:

Side 1:
Light A Fire
Saint James
The Last Warrior (Official Video Available @ Youtube)
Stuck In The Mud
How Do You Sleep

Side 2:
On The Outside
No Cares
Run Ronnie Run
Stay Away
Pig Alley
Old Days

Out Of Order is:

Scott Maracle – Vocals
Johell (Joel Bellemare) – Lead Guitar, Back Vocals
Mitch Cayouette – Rhythm Guitar, Back Vocals
Yves Thibault – Bass
Jean-Luc Bilodeau – Drums

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