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Electoral Reform in Canada – It’s Happening (Hopefully, To Our Benefit)

Electoral Reform in Canada. It’ll change this country big-time, one way or the other. It’s probably more important to you than the U.S. election & deserves some attention.

Personally, I greatly want to see this electoral reform. I prefer some Proportional Representation, not entirely sure in what format, maybe Dual Member Proportional Representation (there are many possibilities). Hopefully there are some experts working on this case who will put politics aside & make the right decision.

Unfortunately, I don’t see any public service announcements trying to educate you on the matter, informing you of what system might work best, so it looks like it’s up to you to educate yourself in order to hold your representatives to account & responsibility. Personally, I don’t trust the current government to make the best choice that will benefit Canadians rather than themselves, and neither should you.

If your government representative knows that you are informed on the topic, it’s more likely that government will make the choice which will most benefit the public.

If you read further about it, you will discover that there are some possible problems with Proportional Representation which (in my somewhat informed opinion) can mostly be mitigated by careful implementation; none of those problems which would possibly amount to the democratic deficiencies of our current system, First-Past-The-Post (again, in my opinion).

So baseball is over, the U.S. election is a stupid sideshow, and there is some action you can take now which will help the future of your country; learn, discuss the facts with your family & neighbours, contact your MP, about electoral reform.

If you have any questions or thoughts, please share & hopefully either myself or somebody else on here can help or discuss with you. Please put in some effort to keep your political parroting to a minimum & stick to the facts or honest questions.

Some topics on WikiPedia that can be read include: Proportional Representation, Single Transferrable Vote, Ranked Ballot, First Past The Post.

There is some sort of Canada-wide town hall, online, tonight, here: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/…/maryam-monsef-electoral-refo…

A few things further & a question of my own:

I’ve recently read that holding a national referendum on non-constitutional matters is not legal; is this true? The electoral reform in question is not a constitutional matter, as far as I can tell, so a referendum on this is not possible. Besides, how many of us could even list 4 different implementations of Proportional Representation? 25%? The general public is simply not well informed enough to make this decision & in fact voting systems require expertise to understand in-depth (I have simply scratched the surface myself). Basically, I’m trying to say that the need for a referendum is just political fodder put forth by those that stand to lose from a more democratic representation (both Conservative Party and Liberal Party will lose power when a form of Proportional Representation is implemented, by the way).

Besides that, in the most recent federal election, a strong majority of Canadians voted for parties who were advocating a change away from First Past The Post.

Justin Trudeau has, in the past, expressed preference for a Ranked Ballot voting system.

So discuss here if you want but I’m just hoping to engage you enough such that you will read more about it. Gracias.

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